So, you’ve come for the wonderful view. You’ve come to go ski in some of the top conditions for skiing. You’ve come to love Alaska, but you aren’t prepared for the every day living that goes on in a climate so cold. If there’s one thing you need to get this winter, it’s a block heater.

What is a block heater?

A block heater is a device used in cold climate temperatures (usually 20 and below) that helps your car keep coolants and oils warm, while helping your heater emit warmth faster. Block heaters also help start your car up faster than it would battling against the temperatures.  This shortened time of engine idling not only prevents gasoline from waste, but you can also lessen the harmful emissions that extract from your vehicle. Furthermore, studies show that  a car stared without a block heater has been proven to use as much as 25% of the fuel in your tank on a regular sized trip, where as a car with a block heater used considerably less.